Call for Papers | IFWS & SSLCHINA 2024

发表于:2024-07-30 来源:半导体产业网 编辑:


The 10th International Forum on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors &

The 21st China International Forum on Solid State Lighting


 Call for Papers

The 10th International Forum on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors &The 21st China International Forum on Solid State Lighting (IFWS & SSLCHINA 2024) will be held on November 18-21, 2024 at Suzhou International Expo Centre, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China. IFWS & SSLCHINA 2024 is a premier forum for technical and industrial discussions in all areas of power semiconductor and solid-state lighting. It aims to promote collaborative innovation of the whole industry chain including materials growth, equipment, devices and applications in the related areas.

 Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore

DateNovember 18-21, 2024

Venue: Suzhou International Expo Centre, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China


Suzhou Lab

China Advanced Semiconductor Industry Innovation Alliance (CASA)

China Solid State Lighting Alliance (CSA)







F1-SiC Power Electronics

F1-A SiC Substrate Materials

F1-B SiC Epitaxial Materials

F1-C SiC Power Electronics Devices

F1-D SiC Equipment

F1-E Packaging and Reliability of SiC Power Devices

F1-F Applications of SiC Power Devices

F2-GaN Power Electronics

F2-A GaN Substrate Material Growth and Equipment

F2-B GaN Epitaxial Materials Growth and Equipment

F2-C GaN Power Electronics Devices

F2-D RF Electronic Devices

F2-E GaN Electronic Device Packaging and Reliability

F2-F Applications of GaN Power Devices

F3-Ultra-wide Bandgap Semiconductors

F3-A Ga2O3 Semiconductors Materials and Devices

F3-B Diamond Semiconductor Materials and Devices

F3-C Boron Nitride and Aluminum Nitride Materials

F4-Semiconductor Light Source


F4-A Materials, Chip, Packaging and Reliability of Full Spectrum LED

F4-B Mini/Micro-LED Materials, Chips and Equipment

F4-C Compound Semiconductor Laser Materials and Devices and Their Applications

F4-D Compound Semiconductor Hetero Integration Technology

F4-E Solid-State Ultraviolet Materials and Devices (Lighting & Detecting)

F4-F Perovskite, Quantum Dots, OLED, Laser and other Novel Display Materials and Devices

F5-Innovative Application of Solid-State Lighting


F5-A Light Quality and Light Health

F5-B Medical Lighting

F5-C Optical Communication and Sensing

F5-D LED Lighting in Bio-Agriculture


1. Abstract deadline: August 15, 2024

2. Notification of acceptance of abstract: August 30, 2024

3. Deadline for full paper submission: October 08, 2024

4. Notification of acceptance of full paper: October 20, 2024

5. Deadline for oral presentation (PPT or PDF) and POSTER electronic submission: November 15, 2024



Please click the following link ( or scan the QR code as below to submit your paper.


(Scan QR Code)

Authors will be notified of the acceptance methods: oral presentation, POSTER and included in the conference proceedings, etc.

Authors should prepare the following materials:

Oral Presentation: Authors should prepare a paper and a presentation (PPT/PDF).

POSTER: Authors are required to prepare a paper and POSTER file (POSTER should show the number of the submitted a paper. Authors should bring their POSTERs to the conference venue and post them in the POSTER display area.)

Collecting in the Proceedings: Authors need to prepare the full paper according to the paper format.


1. Authors submit extended abstracts / full papers in advance.

2. Authors will be informed of paper acceptance with categories of Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation and Conference Proceedings.

3. Authors prepare final submissions depending on the following status:

Oral Presentations: Authors need to prepare paper and presentation files (PPT/PDF)

Poster Presentations: Authors need to prepare paper and poster files (The Technical Program Committee will audit the posters and inform the authors. Authors need to prepare posters according to the template and bring the hardcopy posters to the designated Poster Display area for wall mounting).

Conference Proceedings: Submitted paper can be accept and published in conference proceedings. The final papers must be according to the guidelines and given template.


The template can be downloaded from the paper contribution platform of the forum: or Authors are required to prepare papers and other materials based on the provided template in time to pass the review successfully.

Full length manuscripts of accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplore, and Indexed by EI.



Basic Requirements

The paper should not have been published in other technical publications or by other technical conferences.

Prominent theme, distinct content, accurate data, rigorous discussion, clear conclusion and adopted legal measurement unit.

Abstract Submission

Authors are required to submit extended abstracts according to the paper format template given on the conference website.

Paper Format

The paper should be written in APA Format according to the paper format template given on the conference website. The papers should adopt Word format. The total pages of the paper are limited to 4.

Language of Abstracts, Posters and Papers

Abstracts/posters/papers must be in Standard English.

Both Chinese and English are acceptable for oral presentations, but only English can be used for the presentation files (PPT/PDF) and conference proceedings.

Note: No commercial promotions allowed for specific companies and products; otherwise, the papers will not be selected for oral presentations and conference proceedings.


For further questions about the paper submission, please contact us,

LI Nan / Lu BAI

Telephone: 010-82387600-602


Advisory Committee

Shuji NAKAMURA——NAE Member, Professor at UCSB, Nobel Laureate in Physics

Fred LEE——NAE Member, International Academician of CAE, Distinguished Professor at Virginia Tech

Ching-ping WONG——NAE Member, International Academician of CAE

GAN Zizhao——Academician of CAS, Professor of Peking University

ZHOU Bingkun——Academician of CAS, Professor of Tsinghua University

WANG Zhanguo——Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor of Institute of Semiconductors, CAS

CHEN Lianghui——Academician of CAE, Professor of Institute of Semiconductors, CAS

CAO Yong——Academician of CAE, Professor of South China University of Technology of Technology

XIA Jianbai——Academician of CAE; Professor of Institute of Semiconductors, CAE

ZHENG Youliao——Academician of CAS, Professor of Nanjing University

LI Shutang——Academician of CAS, Dean of College of Nano Science &Technology, Soochow University

CHU Junhao——Academician of CAS; Professor of Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics of CAS; Dean of College of Science of Donghua University

TU Hailing——Academician of CAE, Honorary President of General Research Institute for Nonferrous metals

XU Ningsheng——Academician of CAS, Professor of Sun Yat-Sen University, Former President of Fudan University

YANG Baofeng——Academician of CAE, Professor and Former President of Harbin Medical University

DING Rongjun——Academician of CAE, Chief Scientist of CRRC

WU Kongming——Academician of CAE, President of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

LI Yanrong——Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering; Secretary of the Party Committee of Northwestern Polytechnical University

HUANG Wei——Academician of CAS, NAE Member, Director of Academic committee of Northwestern Polytechnical University

WANG Lijun——Academician of CAS, Professor of Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, CAS

LI Zhongping——Academician of CAE, Vice-President of The Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE)

LIU Ming——Academician of CAS, Professor of Institute of Microelectronics of CAS

GU Ying——Academician of CAS; Chief Physician and Professor of Chinese PLA General Hospital

YANG Deren——Academician of CAS, President of NingboTech University, Professor of Zhejiang University

HUANG Xiaowei——Academician of CAE, Professor of General Research Institute for Nonferrous metals

JIANG Fengyi——Academician of CAS, Deputy President & Professor of Nanchang University

ZHANG Rong——Academician of CAS, Secretary of the Party Committee & Professor of Xiamen University

LIU Sheng——Academician of CAS; Dean & Professor of School of Power and Mechanical Engineering, Wuhan University

Kei May LAU——NAE Member, Professor of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

LI Jinmin——Distinguished Researcher of CAS

ZHANG Guoyi——Acting Deputy Dean & Professor of Dongguan Institute of OPTO. Peking University

ZHANG Guoqi——Academician of Netherlands Academy of Engineering & Professor of Technische Universiteit Delft

LU Guoquan——Professor of Virginia Tech

JIN Xiaoming——Co-Secretary General of International SSL Alliance and Former Director of Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Science and Technology

WEI Shaojun——Professor at Tsinghua University, Chief Engineer of “Core Electronic Devices, High-end Generic Chips and Basic Software”

YE Tianchun——President & Professor of Institute of Microelectronics, CAS

FENG Songlin——Professor of Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences

YANG Qingxin——President of China Electrotechnical Society

GUAN Jizhen——Deputy President of China Optics and Optoelectronics Manufactures Association

Dushan Boroyevich——NAE Member, Distinguished Professor at Virginia Tech

Warren Julian——Chairman of Illuminating Engineering Society of Australia and New Zealand

Bob Karlicek——Director of Smart Lighting Engineering Research Center, Professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Shyam Sujan——Secretary-General of Electric Lamp & Component Manufacturers ‘Association of India (ELCOMA)


Advisory Committee



ZHANG Rong——Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Secretary of the Party Committee and Professor of Xiamen University



XU Ke——Associate Director of Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics, CAS & President of Suzhou Nanowin Co. Ltd.

SHEN Bo——Deputy Director and Professor of School of Physics, Peking University

ZHANG Bo——Professor of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

QIU Yufeng——Chair Professor of Xiamen University, Former Director of Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute, State Grid

XU Xiangang——Professor & Dean of Institute of Novel Semiconductors, Shandong University

KUANG Sheng——Dean & Professor of College of Electrical Engineering , Zhejiang University

Kevin J. CHEN——Professor of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Wai Tung NG——Professor at University of Toronto, Canada

Victor Veliadis——Executive Director and CTO of PowerAmerica, Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, North Carolina State University, IEEE Fellow

ZHANG Luchuan——Head of National Center of Technology Innovation for Wide Bandgap Semiconductors

CHEN Hongda——Researcher of Institute of Semiconductors, CAS & Suzhou Lab


F1-SiC Power Electronics

• SiC Substrate Materials

• SiC Epitaxial Materials

• SiC Power Electronics Devices

• SiC Equipment

• Packaging and Reliability of SiC Power Devices

Applications of SiC Power Devices


Sub-Forum Chairs

CHEN Xiaolong——Professor and Director of Research & Development Center for Functional Crystals at the Institute of Physics, CAS

BAI Song——Professor of Nanjing Electronic Devices Institute



• SiC Substrate Materials

PI Xiaodong——Dupty Dean & Professor of Advanced Semiconductor Research Institute of ZJU-Hangzhou Global Scientific and Technological Innovation Center

ZHAO Lili——Chairman of KY Semiconductor


• SiC Epitaxial Materials

KANG Junyong——Professor of Xiamen University

GONG Xiaoliang——Head of Semiconductor Equipment Research Department of the 48th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation

FENG Gan——GM of Epiworld International Co., Ltd.


• SiC Power Electronics Devices

ZHANG Jon——Director and Distinguished Professor Center for Shanghai Silicon Carbide POWER Devices Engineering & Technology Research, Fudan University

ZHANG Yuming——Professor & Dean of School of Microelectronics, Xidian University

BAI Song——Researcher of the 55th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation

WANG Dejun——Professor of Dalian University of Technology

YUAN Jun——Head of Power Device of Hubei Jiufengshan Laboratory

ZHANG Feng——Professor of College of Physical Science & Technology, Xiamen University


SiC Equipment

GONG Xiaoliang——Head of Semiconductor Equipment Research Department of the 48th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation

DONG Boyu——President of NAURA

GUO Shiping——VP of Advanced Micro-Fabrication Equipment (Shanghai) Inc.


Packaging and Reliability of SiC Power Devices

Shi-Wei. Ricky LEE——Professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

MEI Yunhui——Dean & Professor of School of Electrical Engineering & Automation of Tiangong University

WANG Laili——Professor of Xi’an Jiaotong University

FAN Jiajie——Junior Research Fellow of Fudan University


 Applications of SiC Power Devices

QIU Yufeng——Chair Professor of Xiamen University, Former Director of Global Energy

Interconnection Research Institute, State Grid

WU Xinke——Professor of Zhejiang University

LIU Zhaohui——Chief Engineer of National New Energy Vehicle Technology Innovation Center & Head of Power train Business Unit

CHEN Wanjun——Vice Dean & Professor of School of Integrated Circuit Science and Engineering of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China


F2-GaN Power Electronics

• GaN Substrate Material Growth and Equipment

• GaN Epitaxial Materials Growth and Equipment

• GaN Power Electronics Devices

• RF Electronic Devices

• GaN Electronic Device Packaging and Reliability

• Applications of GaN Power Devices


Sub-Forum Chairs

CHEN Tangsheng——Chief Scientist of Nanjing Electronic Devices Institute

XU Ke——Associate Director of Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics, CAS

ZHANG Jincheng——Vice President & Professor Xidian University

ZHANG Bo——Professor of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China



GaN Substrate Material Growth and Equipment

XU Ke——Associate Director of Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics, CAS

XIU Xiangqian——Professor of School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Nanjing University


• GaN Epitaxial Materials Growth and Equipment

LI Dabing——Professor of Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, CAS

BI Wengang——Professor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

ZHANG Yuantao——Professor of Jilin University


• GaN Power Electronics Devices

Wai Tung NG——Professor at University of Toronto, Canada

LIU Yang——Professor of Sun Yat-sen University

SUN Qian——Professor of Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics (SINANO), CAS

ZHOU Qi——Professor of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

WU Yifeng——CEO & CTO of GaNex

WANG Maojun——Associate Professor of Peking University



• RF Electronic Devices

ZHANG Yun-——Professor and Associate Director of the Institute of Semiconductors, CAS

AO Jinping——Professor of the University of Tokushima, Professor of Jiangnan University

YU Hongyu——Dean & Professor of School of Microelectronics at Southern University of Science and Technology

FENG Zhihong——Chief Scientist of Hebei Semiconductor Research Institute & Deputy Director of National ASIC System Engineering Research Center

LIU Jianli——PA Chief Engineer at ZTE Corporation

PEI Yi——VP Technology of Dynax Semiconductor


• GaN Electronic Device Packaging and Reliability

ZHAO Lixia——Professor & Dean of School of Computer Science & Technology , Tiangong University

LUO Xiaobing——Professor & Dean of School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

YANG Daoguo——Professor of Guilin University of Electronic Technology


Applications of GaN Power Devices

CHEN Dunjun——Deputy Dean & Professor of School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Nanjing University

JIANG Huaping——Research Fellow of Chongqing University

HE Zhiyuan——Professor of School of Integrated Circuits, Guangdong University of Technology


F3-Ultra-wide Bandgap Semiconductors

• Ga2O3 Semiconductors Materials and Devices

• Diamond Semiconductor Materials and Devices

Boron Nitride and Aluminum Nitride Materials


Sub-Forum Chairs

TAO Xutang——Chair Professor of Shandong University

SHAN Chongxin——Vice President and Professor of Zhengzhou University

LONG Shibing——Executive Dean & Professor of School of Microelectronics at University of Science and Technology of China

WANG Xinqiang——Dean & Professor of Dongguan Institute of Opto-Electronics Peking University

LI Dabing——Professor of Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, CAS



• Ga2O3 Semiconductors Materials and Devices

LUO Xiaorong——Deputy Dean of Chengdu University of Information Technology & Professor of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

YE Jiandong——Professor of Nanjing University

HAN Genquan——Professor of Xidian University


• Diamond Semiconductor Materials and Devices

WANG Hongxing——Professor of Xi’an Jiaotong University

GU Shulin——Professor of School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Nanjing University

ZHANG Jinfeng——Professor of Xidian University

ZHU Jiaqi——Harbin Institute of Technology


• Boron Nitride and Aluminum Nitride Materials

LIU Yuhuai——Professor of Zhengzhou University

ZHANG Xingwang——Professor of the Institute of Semiconductors, CAS

YU Tongjun——Professor of Peking University

LI Qiang——Associate Professor of Xi’an Jiaotong University

F4-Semiconductor Light Source

l Materials, Chip, Packaging and Reliability of Full Spectrum LED

l Mini/Micro-LED Materials, Chips and Equipment

l Compound Semiconductor Laser Materials and Devices and Their Applications

l Compound Semiconductor Hetero Integration Technology

l Solid-State Ultraviolet Materials and Devices (Lighting & Detecting)

Perovskite, Quantum Dots, OLED, Laser and other Novel Display Materials and Devices


Sub-Forum Chairs:

YAN Qun——Professor of Fuzhou University

ZENG Yiping——Professor of Institute of Semiconductors, CAS

SUN Xiaowei——Chair Professor of Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Southern University of Science and Technology

KANG Junyong——Professor of Xiamen University

WANG Junxi——Professor of Institute of Semiconductors, CAS & Director of Research and Development Center for Wide Bandgap Semiconductor CAS



• Materials, Chip, Packaging and Reliability of Full Spectrum LED

Jay Guxou LIU——CTO of ShineOn Innovation Technology Co., Ltd.

YUN Feng——Professor of Xi’an Jiaotong University

LUO Xiaobing——Professor & Dean of School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

YI Xiaoyan——Researcher of Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences

GUO Weiling——Professor of Beijing University of Technology

WANG Lai——Associate Professor of Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University

WANG Liancheng——Professor of Central South University

ZHANG Jianli——Researcher of Nanchang University

LI Jinchai——Professor of College of Physical Science and Technology, Xiamen University


• Mini/Micro-LED Materials, Chips and Equipment

YAN Qun——Professor of Fuzhou University

C. H. YAN——Chairman of Narvellux Technologies

LIU Bin——Associate Dean & Professor of School of Electronic Science and Engineering at Nanjing University

HUANG Kai——Deputy Dean & Professor of College of Physical Science and Technology, Xiamen University

MA Songlin——Deputy Director of Industrial Research Institute, TCL Group

QIU Yun——Deputy Director of Technical Planning Department, BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

LIU Zhaojun——Associate Professor of Southern University of Science and Technology


• Compound Semiconductor Laser Materials and Devices and Their Applications

ZHAO Degang——Researcher of Institute of semiconductors, CAS

ZHANG Baoping——Professor of Southern University of Science and Technology

HU Xiaodong——Professor of Research Center for Wide Gap Semiconductor, Peking University

MO Qingwei——Chief Scientist & Vice President of Zhejiang ZJeagles comsemi Technology Co.,Ltd

LIU Jianping——Professor of Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics, CAS

HUI Feng——Chief Scientist of YUNNAN GERMANIUM, Professor of Institute of Semiconductors, CAS


• Solid-State Ultraviolet Materials and Devices (Lighting & Detecting)

LU Hai——Professor of Nanjing University

CHEN Changqing——Professor of Huazhong University of Science and Technology

KUO Hao-Chung——Distinguished Professor of National Chiao Tung University

LI Xiaohang——Associate Professor at King Abdullah University of Science & Technology

XU Fujun——Associate Professor of Peking University

YAN Jianchang——GM of Advanced Ultraviolet Optoelectronics Co., Ltd & Professor of Institute of Semiconductors, CAS


• Perovskite, Quantum Dots, OLED, Laser and other Novel Display Materials and Devices

SUN Xiaowei——Chair Professor of Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Southern University of Science and Technology

LIAO Liangsheng——Professor of Soochow University

XU Zheng——Professor of Beijing Jiaotong University

DUAN Lian——Professor of Tsinghua University

ZHONG Haizheng——Professor of Beijing Institute of Technology

BI Yong——Director and Professor of Applied Laser Research Center, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS


• Compound Semiconductor Heterointegration Technology

OU Xin——Professor of Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, CAS

WU Chaoyu——GM of Quanzhou Sanan Optoelectronics

ZHANG Yong——Chairman of Epihouse Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.

F5-Innovative Application of Solid-State Lighting

• Light Quality and Light Health

• Medical Lighting

• Optical Communication and Sensing

LED Lighting in Bio-Agriculture


Sub-Forum Chairs

LUO Ming/Ronnier LUO——Professor of Department of Optical Engineering, Zhejiang University

QU Jia——Dean and Professor at Eye Hospital of WMU Zhejiang Eye Hospital

CHI Nan——Dean & Professor of the School of Information Science and Technology, Fudan University

YANG Qichang——Academician of International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, Professor of Institute of Urban Agriculture, CAAS



• Light Quality and Light Health

HAO Luoxi——Professor of Tongji University, Vice President of China Illuminating Engineering Society

LIN Yandan——Professor of Fudan University

XIONG Daxi——Professor of Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, CAS

MOU Tongsheng——Professor of Zhejiang University

WEI Minchen——Associate Professor of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

CAI Jianqi——Director & Professor of China National Institute of Standardization

LIU Qiang——Deputy Director & Associate Professor of Research Center of Graphic Communic, Printing and Packaging, Wuhan University


• Medical Lighting

WANG Yanqing——Professor of The School of Basic Medical Sciences, Fudan University

CUI Jinjiang——Professor of Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (SIBET), CAS

ZHANG Fengmin——Vice President of Heilongjiang Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor of Harbin Medical University

CAI Benzhi——Professor of Harbin Medical University

DONG Jianfei——Professor of School of Future Science and Engineering, Soochow University

CHEN Defu——Distinguished Associate Professor of Institute of Engineering Medicine, Beijing Institute of Technology


 Optical Communication and Sensing

CHI Nan——Dean & Professor of School of Information Sciences and Engineering, Fudan University

MA Xiaoyu——Professor of Institute of Semiconductors, CAS

CHEN Xiongbin——Professor of Institute of Semiconductors, CAS

TIAN Pengfei——Professor of Fudan University

LI Guoqiang——Professor of South China University of Technology

LIN Weiming——Professor of Fuzhou University

FANG Yulong——Professor of Hebei Semiconductor Research Institute


• LED Lighting in Bio-Agriculture

TANG Guoqing——Executive General Manager of MLS CO.,LTD., Vice President of China Solid State Lighting Alliance (CSA)

LIU Ying——Dean & Professor of College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science, Zhejiang University

PAN Jinming——Professor of Zhejiang University

HE Dongxian——Professor of China University of Agriculture


HUA Guichao——Chair of the Board of 4D Bios Inc

XU Hong——GM of LumiGrow, Inc.

LIU Houcheng——Professor of South China Agricultural University

LI Shaohua——Director of Photobiological Industry Research Institute, SananBio
